Since 2005, the Clare Nsenga Foundation has teamed with the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, under the direction of Dr. Kevin Dieckhaus, to provide ongoing clinical care and public health outreach to Kisoro. Programs have included the following:
Community Health Needs Assessement
Insecticide-Treated Net distribution and Education
Orphan and Vulnerable Children Support
Childhood Nutritional Assessment
Evaluation of Delays to Clinical Care for Malaria
Case Finding for HIV/AIDS screening in High-Risk individuals
Medical supplies for the Clare Nsenga Clinic and St. Francis Mutolere Hospital
Medicines for the Clare Nsenga Clinic
Orphan and Vulnerable Children program evaluation
Assessment of Maternal Pregnancy Risks
Barriers to Effective Breastfeeding in Women
Infection Control in Saint Francis Mutolere Hospital
Mental Health Services Assessment
Impact of Helicobacter pylori infection on local populations
Barriers to Prenatal Care in Cyanika
Baby boxes to reduce perinatal morbidity and mortality
Dr. Dieckhaus returns regularly with teams from the UConn School of Medicine to promote public health programs and provide medical care at the CNF clinic and the St. Francis Mutolere Hospital in Kisoro, Uganda
Academic Collaborations